German-English translation for fiction authors
As an author and avid reader fluent in German, I often wonder why I haven’t started translating sooner. After translating my own books, I’m ready to offer this service to you. Why translate your works into German, you ask? Germans are voracious readers, making up the second largest market after English. Translating to German will expand your reach to countless new, excited readers! My start-up pricing will help you get there at a fraction of the typical industry cost.
Bachelor’s Degree in German
Lived in Germany for 14 years
Speak German at home
Published author
Four years of tutoring English and German at all grade levels
clean and wholesome romance
Since I’m just starting out with my translation services, I’m currently offering the rate of:
$0.01 per word
This means a book of 100K words would be $1000
These are estimates. I will give you an estimated finish date before you book the service and schedule multiple check-in dates.
Below 50K: up to 2 months
Between 50K and 100K: up to 4 months
100K and above: 4 months or more
NOTE: Before publishing any manuscript, whether in English or German, it’s highly advised to have it copy-edited and/or proofread. This remains the same with a translation. While I will do my best to deliver a clean translation, I’m only human, so please have your manuscript edited before publishing!